Update 3/26/2025
Added an art gallery! :D Also made some minor changes to text, particularly around images. Removed greyed out buttons from navbar to put art gallery in. Changed the embeds for Gamemaster and Chroma's pages to have their refsheets as the images.

Update 3/17/2025
Added a slight neumorphic shadow/highlight to the theme. Put links into the "ABOUT THE SITE" section to link to worldbuilding pages that exist, and noted which pages don't exist yet, as well as slight modifications to that section.

Update 2/27/2025
Added Sylvolaia page. Updated links section (Changed wafrn to main, added a bluesky entry.) Took Ryva out of navbar and replaced it with Sylvolaia. Added wafrn button. Redid 404 page. Updated Chroma's age. Added WIP Argentum Antipodes page.

Update 12/8/2024
Added sections on robots and minor characters to Hue Shift page, as well as some extra details on Chroma. Added Gamemaster's refsheet and an artfight link to its page.

Update 11/29/2024
Added OC pronouns.page clone, with info on Chroma and Gamemaster.

Update 11/19/2024
Added new Hue Shift buttons, and replaced the Ryva button in the footer with a Hue Shift one. Updated Niacnamae's button. Bumped previous update to be yesterday's. It was only technically today at the time, it doesn't count.

Update 11/18/2024
Added Gamemaster page. Organized CSS file. Greyed out the buttons with pages that haven't been made yet. Added an "about the site" section, and made the to-do list more detailed. Modified some title text on images. Minor styling changes.

Update 11/14/2024
Mobile compatibility. Mobile is still not recommended.

Update 11/12/2024
Made site more responsive. Added Chroma/Hue Shift page. Added Luca's button.

Update 11/11/2024
A total redesign of the main page. Reorganized and rethemed. Made everything nice and responsive*. Bolded all update headers. Removed unused pages.

Update 11/10/2024
Been a while, huh?
Many minor edits to make the site better for local editing. Added a GitHub button. Changed title text on Linux button to have the correct distro. Removed comment box since it never got used.

Update 9/17/2023
Replaced the "Made with Windows" button with a "Made with GNU/Linux" one because I switched to Linux.

Update 7/13/2023
Added April's button to the mutuals section.

Update 1/22/2023
Added 2 new Fun Ryva Facts to the Fun Ryva Facts page. Also placed tides.png on the Fun Ryva Facts page, possibly temporarily, as I just needed to put something in all 3 columns so that it wouldn't look weird.

Update 12/16/2022
Added The Killing Moon's button to the mutuals section.

Update 11/22/2022
Improved accessibility. Mainly replaced most of the alt text and added language attributes.

Update 9/19/2022
Minor change in wording on Ryva Facts page. Clarified wording of previous update.

Update 8/12/2022
Added some text to technical difficulties section. Removed technical difficulties section as there are no more technical difficulties. Minor edits to Ryva Facts page because I lost interest in updating for today.

Update 8/11/2022
Styled comment box textarea. Updated yesterday's update log entry.

Update 8/10/2022
New To-Do list item. Styled comment box send button. Added technical difficulties section...

Update 8/5/2022
Added Toothworm Factory button to mutuals section.

Update 8/4/2022
Styled all elements and scrollbar in Ryva Facts theme. New To-Do list item. Replaced image buttons with CSS ones.

Update 8/3/2022
Styled scrollbars (only in Firefox, get fucked chrome users). Made the main page a little more mature. Added pool.svg to the bottom of the main box to fill some space until I think of something to put there. Miscellaneous minor changes and fixes to theme. Added new main page To-Do list item.

Update 8/2/2022
Properly styled horizontal rule element. Added countries section to Ryva Facts page, and put in subsections for all the currently established countries. Filled out Seicreth Alliance section.

Update 8/1/2022
Added magical energy and ritual magic sections to Ryva Facts page. Fixed a few spacing issues and did some minor reorganization and restyling on the Ryva Facts page.

Update 6/15/2022
Added Discord embeds to all pages.

Update 6/10/2022
Minor edits to main page To-Do list. Additions to magic section of Ryva Facts page.

Update 5/26/2022
Made the writer and lazy userboxes not blurry. Made update log into its own HTML file. Put update log into iframe. Moved updates below the comment box. Minor edits to the text of the Ryva Facts page. Added image descriptions to Ryva Facts diagrams. Added link to THE MEME ZONE at bottom of Ryva Facts page.

Update 5/22/2022
Added this sidebar, added Niacnamae's button and mutuals section. Added comment box. Resized the userboxes to all be the same height.